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Bench Talk for Design Engineers

Bench Talk


Bench Talk for Design Engineers | The Official Blog of Mouser Electronics

New Tech Tuesdays: Progression of Authentication: Comparing Passwords, Passphrases, and Passkeys Rudy Ramos
Human errors and behaviors pose the biggest vulnerabilities in cybersecurity. With password security issues at the top of the list, understanding authentication best practices has never been so important. Continuous education and a security-conscious culture are essential in mitigating these risks.

New Tech Tuesdays: Real Biometric Solutions for Consumer Devices Rudy Ramos
Products that help obtain and process biometric data show great promise in future consumer devices. This week's New Tech Tuesday will look at biometric solution products from Maxim Integrated and Kneron and their potential in consumer devices.

Biometrics Address Password Flaws Steven Keeping
Password security is flawed—as Hawaiians recently found to their cost—because it relies on humans to create a memorable yet tough-to-hack secret phrase. Biometrics, pioneered by the smartphone’s fingerprint scanner, offers a better alternative.

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